Adimuliyadan Daivam-Theyyam-001

Adimuliyadan Daivam-Theyyam-001

Adimuliyadan Daivam  is an important Theyyam.It is mainly performed in Kannur and Kasaragod districts. This Theyam is believed to be the same God as Shiva and Vaishnava.

There are several legends surrounding the origin of Aadimooliyadan Daivam. One legend tells the story of a childless couple who prayed to Agni Bhagavan, the fire god, for a son. Agni, pleased by their devotion, blessed them with a child who grew up to become Aadimooliyadan Daivam.

Another legend describes how the villagers of a small town were terrorized by a large serpent. They called upon Agni Bhagavan for help, who appeared in the form of a mighty young man and slayed the serpent. This young man is said to be the embodiment of Aadimooliyadan Daivam.

Aadimooliyadan Daivam is depicted as a powerful and benevolent deity. The Theyyam performance features a unique costume and makeup:A body painted green: symbolizing the earth and its life-giving power.An elaborate headdress: adorned with peacock feathers, representing divine wisdom and protection.A face mask with both young and old features: signifying the deity's eternal nature and embodiment of both youthful energy and the wisdom of time.

Carrying a sword and shield: representing its role as a protector against evil forces.Aadimooliyadan Daivam is depicted as a powerful and benevolent deity. The Theyyam performance features a unique costume and makeup:A body painted green: symbolizing the earth and its life-giving power.An elaborate headdress: adorned with peacock feathers, representing divine wisdom and protection.A face mask with both young and old features: signifying the deity's eternal nature and embodiment of both youthful energy and the wisdom of time.Carrying a sword and shield: representing its role as a protector against evil forces.

Aadimooliyadan Daivam is worshipped for protection against evil spirits, disease, and misfortune. Devotees also seek the deity's blessings for prosperity, good health, and success in endeavors.

The Theyyam performance dedicated to Aadimooliyadan Daivam is a vibrant and energetic ritual. Traditionally performed by trained Theyyam artists, the dance involves rhythmic drumming, chanting, and acrobatic movements. The Theyyam artist enters a trance-like state, believed to be possessed by the spirit of the deity.

Aadimooliyadan Daivam is an integral part of the Theyyam tradition, a unique ritual art form practiced in Kerala. Theyyam performances are not just religious ceremonies but also vibrant expressions of the state's rich cultural heritage and folklore. The Aadimooliyadan Daivam Theyyam continues to captivate audiences with its powerful visual imagery, captivating storytelling, and deep spiritual significance. Adimuliyadan Daivam is performed twice a year. One in April-May and two in December-January. During the breeding of this Theyam,

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