About India

India, it is often said, is not a country but a continent. From north to south and east to west the people a r e different, the languages are different, the customs are different, the country is different. There are few countries on earth with the enormous variety that India has to offer and it's a place which somehow gets into your blood. Love it or hate it you can never ignore India.

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Around 50-55 million years ago, in the geological past, a triangle of rocky land broke off from East Africa, drifted north in the Indian Ocean, and crashed into Eurasia. The immense force of the collision crumpled the Eurasian Plate, pushing up the landmasses to form the mighty Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau.

India History

Around 50-55 million years ago, in the geological past, a triangle of rocky land broke off from East Africa, drifted north in the Indian Ocean, and crashed into Eurasia.The immense force of the collision crumpled the Eurasian Plate, pushing up the landmasses to form the mighty Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau.

Vedic Civilization

The early Aryan invasions were vague and disjointed, although the people of north India today are defined as Aryans and those of the south as Dravidians. The Aryans came from the north from around 1500 BC and gradually spread across India from the Punjab and Sind (now in Pakistan) and down the Ganges towards Bengal.

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